June 30, 2009

My new all about diet blog

To allow myself to write more about diet, nutrition, and food in general, I've started a new blog called Low Carb Art and Science. All posts on these topics will now appear over there. I won't necessarily post a link to them here each time, but I will for the first one. It's about the changing American diet and poorer health -- except that the graphs show that the changing American diet has been one that's rigidly adhered to what the health experts tell us to eat.

The data weren't hard to find, analyze, and present, but I've never seen them before, let alone in a clear-to-see visual format. If you doubted whether the anti-meat, pro-grain message was being followed or not, and if so, whether it was making us healthier -- this will be a real eye-opener. Take-home lesson: eat more saturated fat and cholesterol, and less carbohydrates.

Comments closed here; comment over there.